Twitch runes
Twitch runes

twitch runes

Do not get too greedy about getting kills by yourself, that isn't your purpose here. Facing against champions such a Rammus or Malphite will lead to them being constantly pushed out of lane with low health. If you're maxing your W first like in the build, the slow will often surprise them, and the extra passive stacks will drag their health down.

twitch runes

If they try going in on you, or get a gank, throw a and away. Don't worry about taking too much damage, you won't be playing the Twitch you usually play. Your plan of action will be to go to lane, farm, if they get anywhere near your farm, continuously auto them until they leave or get too aggressive. You will be up there to fight against tanks and melee champions. Top lane is a lane for most tanks and fighters. A reminder you'll always want to tell yourself, you won't be doing any damage, your passive will. Most Twitch players I see often forget that it even does damage and use it mostly for their, which isn't saying they're doing it wrong, but for this build specifically, your passive will be your bread and butter. Twitches passive deals true damage over a period of time, and increases the damage with each stack. While Twitch is mostly played as an ADC/Jungler, I found good use for him building tank top lane. Now, you might ask yourself "How can Twitch be a tank? He has no CC, no peel, and nothing that scales with health/armor/magic resist!" And the answer to that is: Yes, you're right, but you may find that this build will be the perfect mouse trap you need to cheese your enemies. But, that doesn't mean you too can't become the Legendary Tank Twitch Top. No off meta/troll build is worth getting reported and having a terrible game. I want everyone to keep in mind that I do NOT recommend this in ranked whatsoever and only play this with consent from the entire team. I've played Tank Twitch Top for quite a while, and do so with caution. Now before you head to comment and post something along the lines of "This isn't how you play Twitch don't believe this guy it doesn't work" By following this forbidden tome, your enemies will no longer be dealing with the average Twitch Marskman, anymore, they'll have to face against. He is unstoppable, with arrows that feel like nerf darts, yet a laugh that pierces like a bullet. A legend as old as time, and a true champion among champions, there are rumors of a rat strong enough to withstand any amount of pressure be it physical, verbal, or even mental.

Twitch runes